Thursday, May 30, 2013

Choco Android Episode 1 ( Android in 2 words )

lots of CS students nowadays are fascinated about android ,,

everybody wants 2 start developing 4 smart phones ,,

they want 2 publish apps  in the market
they want money $$$ .

First of all Android is an operating system for mobiles
it's like  " windows for computers "

& we will learn how to develop android applications


Android app = Java + XML 

XML is easy as HTML

but is that really true , you must be a professional
JAVA developer to start android  ?! 

Definitely not !

if you are a very basic coder " Visual basic maybe "

&  you know the basic stuff about coding like
(" variables ,if else ,  class , loops , functions")  , you can be a great android developer .

Android is nothing ,
Except some functions
 at the beginning you will find  it a bit hard to code android 
but after a little time  you will be very familiar with these functions 
& every thing will be soooooo easy .

wait 4 my next post ,
i'll talk about what manners makes you a great  Android Developer ?!  ;

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