Thursday, November 7, 2013

Choco Android Episode 3 ( Starting Code ) Beta version !

Not even a baby in the world of programming

you are a baby in our ordinary world  ,,
you don't know anything ........

and you wanna make it happen 

making android apps  !!


1- First you need to know " Java Programming "  Basics 

i recommend to check this simple course

*take your time understanding everything here ,, applying all the examples
this will help you later

*for normal people ,, this can take up to one hardworking week
*for advanced people ,, this can take up to one hardworking day


2- Simple Course to know Android Basics 
i recommend this course

*again take your time understanding everything here ,, applying all the examples
this will help you later

*for normal people ,, this can take up to one very comfortable week
*for advanced people ,, this can take up to one hardworking day


3- Book to be  a Pro Android Developer 
i believe in books as they can give you  a great detailed information you can't find in video courses
don't be lazy when reading books
i know they are most of times " boring "

but you will notice the difference

i recommend this book

Professional Android 4 Application Development

start this after finishing the two courses above
this book is gonna be your offline reference. 

if you faced any problems you don't hesitate to contact me ..

stay tuned !!
next post i'll be talking about
" Android common problems & bugs "

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